A review by lindacbugg
The Rope: A True Story of Murder, Heroism, and the Dawn of the NAACP by Alex Tresniowski



I grabbed this from the new book section of the library because of the subtitle & while I did enjoy it, I felt like the author had two separate stories to tell & attempted to shoehorn them into one book which didn't really work.
You had the murder in Asbury Park & the story of Ida B Wells--both of which on their own were interesting but didn't intersect. Every time the author began focusing in on one story it took away from the other narrative which weakened the overall story he was trying to tell. I wish his editor had pointed this out & told him to pick which story he wanted to tell now & then to write a second book on the other topic so as to not shortchange either topic in the long run.
I'd still recommend this book as I did enjoy it but not as much as I'd hoped.