A review by erindillman
Auschwitz Report by Leonardo De Benedetti, Primo Levi

I can't rate this book, simply because it's a report about something awful.

I will say a few things though.

1. The introduction of this, and the praise and unnecessary talk about how Primo Levi is so much more important because he wrote more than his partner, who died earlier was fucked up. I mean even all of the quotes on the back were for Primo's OTHER WORKS.
2. Because this is a medical report a lot of the medical jargon was lost on me, and unfortunately the only parts that hit me in the face were about the gas chambers and the unusual punishments given by doctors and nurses. I mean what the actual hell?

Anyway, read this if you're interested in a more in depth, comprehensive look at what was going on away from the memoir side of things.