A review by bexbooksandstuff
The Summer Seekers by Sarah Morgan


This book gave me all the feels, it was emotional, heart warming funny and just completely divine!
It is told in the POV of three characters and each of the women have their own emotional problems that they are trying to overcome.

It takes a huge leap and a journey across the world along route 66 for them all to realise what is important to them and how to navigate their lives for the better.

The personalities of each of the main women compliment each other so well, from exuberant Kathleen, bubbly yet unconfident Martha and stressed Liza they all come together to help each other find their happiness and confidence, even when they don't realise it.

This is the second book I have read recently where the main protagonist is looking at her life and wondering what it has become and it makes me think about my own life and how we need to live every day to the fullest. You never know what lies around the corner and there is no place for regret.

Well done Sarah Morgan for tugging at my heart strings and leaving me feeling all warm and fuzzy after finishing this book. I want to be a summer seeker!