A review by mikewhiteman
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 138 by Kij Johnson, Kage Baker, E. Lily Yu, Juliette Wade, Neil Clarke, Izzy Wasserstein, Xiu Xinyu, Rich Larson


Tool-Using Mimics - Kij Johnson *****
Short series of possible explanations for the picture at the start, of a young girl with tentacles. Uses that merged image to draw comparison between the camouflaged protection an octopus gives its eggs to the way mothers and young girls must change themselves, must "pass, and pass, and pass" to get by in the world. Beautiful.

The Persistence Of Blood - Juliette Wade ***
A longer story about a woman's experience fighting for bodily autonomy through political efforts, initially via her husband and then on her own. Classic patriarchal fantasy society, so the focus on the decaying elites over the various "lower" classes removes some of the impact of the theme of democratic struggle within the system. The message appears worthy at first, but leaves the women of other classes relying on the goodwill of another noble, albeit a woman. Progress within the system, however hard-won, feels reduced when the system itself is oppressive and so the ending doesn't show the hope it intends.

Unplaces: An Atlas Of Non-Existence - Izzy Wasserstein ****
The structure of this short piece works nicely, the encyclopedic descriptions of places that no longer exist - or never existed, or don't exist yet - complementing the marginalia of the writer hiding from fascist gangs in a post-apocalypse. The hints at a possibility of creating somewhere better from the ashes, after so many places have been erased and forgotten, leave a hopeful note.

Farewell, Adam - Xiu Xinyu, trans. Blake Stone-Banks ***
Takes the hollowness of celebrity a step further, as a hundred volunteers become a merged consciousness controlling the general idol, Adam. Touches on some of the consequences but lightly - which group has most control at what points, Adam's interactions with people the volunteers know - focusing on Adam and the volunteers' feelings as they merge further under the control of their corporate masters and the futility of rejecting the system.

The No-One Girl And The Flower Of The Farther Shore - E Lily Yu ****
A sweet story about a girl growing a flower, about rising beyond those who would put her down and steal from her, and how she and her creation became something more than the mundanity of those who attempt to appropriate her efforts for their own.

Are You Afflicted With Dragons? - Kage Baker ****
Smart and funny, full of ironic little moments as a hotel owner vainly attempts to rid his roof of dragons, before hiring a mysterious gentleman from the market who will do it for free so long as he keeps all he finds.

God Decay - Rich Larson ***
A man with a disabling autoimmune condition is turned into a hyper-elite multi-discipline athlete through biomodifications and surgery finds out he now has only two years to live. Mostly focused on the relationship between Ostap and Alyce, the doctor who pioneered the process used on him. Somewhat slow moving and understated, but their motivations and justifications illustrate a complex relationship.