A review by bethadele
The Book of Revelation: Rupert Thomson by Rupert Thomson


A good example of not judging a book by the movie adaptation.
Having seen the movie, I approached this book with more trepidation and prejudice than it deserved.
I actually enjoyed the second half of the book more than the first, probably because the way in which our dancer deals with his ordeal is what drew me to the story in the first place. Though I must admit a slight disappointment, had Thomson actually approached his subject matter with the depth I would have liked to see, he would have run the risk of writing a very tedious and perhaps boorish kind of story.
Instead he wrote it with the right balance of humanism and egocentrism, drawing you in, making you share the frustration, the anger and the hopelessness of the situation. Nothing seemed tied up or really finished.
The whole point of which was to make you ask questions and force you to draw your own conclusions, because Thomson isn't giving anything away.