A review by tiamariatamera
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare


Actually really liked this, had some amazing aspects, like the dialogue and the character's progression throughout the novel. The action and events that took place were riveting and overall really well written. However, since I have indeed seen the movie, basically the whole plot and twist factors were spoiled, not to mention having seen half the first episode of the show and being so triggered by its horrific actors, writing, editing, camera shots etc. that I couldn't bang my head enough times against any wall to picture anyone but, the total opposite of the magnificent, god-like lion, Jace is portrayed as throughout the book, and Clary, who definitely is NOT the dim-witted, blonde-brained barbie as seen in the show.

Lastly, there's this one particular camera shot in the first episode where Clary throws Jace an angel blade and they're like a metre apart, but the editing team still tried to be fricken edgy and have it from a low angle, AND in SLOW MO. Just. Not. Good. And haunted my entire reading experience.

However, great book, if I had read it five years ago, definitely would be a classic fave. I understand the hype, and am incredibly disappointed for fans, and Cassandra herself for the adaptions they have suffered. R.I.P... Won't lie, did like the movie, Jace was hawt.