A review by apageinthestacks
A Once Crowded Sky by Tom King



So I do just have to say initially that I love Tom King. I loved the first issues of Vision and Sheriff of Babylon and Grayson and The Omega Men (unfortunately I still have to read the rest of what's come so far, as I've been waiting for trades to continue the series), and the current Batman series he's been putting out has been great. I'm a huge fan and I'll probably buy any comic he does.

As such, I picked this up expecting to love it. And for the last third-ish, I kinda did. Unfortunately, though, for about the first two thirds it just never really grabbed me and it was hard to get into for a long time, as I wasn't the biggest fan of the writing style.

Maybe when I go back and re-read it I'll like it better as I'll be used to it (and I'll know that I'll really enjoy parts of it), but as of right now it was just a good read--but unfortunately not a great one as his comics have been.