A review by jrobles76
All Tomorrow's Parties by William Gibson


Love this book! William Gibson writes some beautiful prose. The world he creates is utterly realistic. The book takes place in a near future world with technology that is easily recognizable. What I've always loved about Gibson is that his future worlds aren't crazy departures from reality, but, rather, take reality and go to logical evolutions. This book was written over a decade ago, and still seems like a vision of the future.

The tech that exists in this book, but not in reality, are things that could still be possible. For instance, World of Warcraft and Call of Duty are two examples of people meeting up in virtual worlds to interact. Facebook is a another, though not as graphically rich a world it is still a virtual space. However, we don't put on glasses to access those worlds, we still use computers. We're still working on fully articulated worlds that you can just step into, and with tech like the Wii and Project Natal, we're getting closer.

I bought this book in 1999 and don't know what took me so long to read it. Do yourself a favor and read the series.