A review by apostrophen
Bending The Landscape: Science Fiction by Nancy Johnston, Don Bassingthwaite, Nancy Kress, Ralph A. Sperry, Rebecca Ore, Mark W. Tiedemann, Carrie Richerson, Denise Lopes Heald, Stephen Baxter, Kathleen O'Malley, Jim Grimsley, Mark McLaughlin, Stephen Pagel, Wendy Rathbone, J.K. Potter, L. Timmel Duchamp, Allen M. Steele, Élisabeth Vonarburg, Nicola Griffith, Ellen Klages, Keith Hartman, Shariann Lewitt, Richard A. Bamberg, Charles Sheffield


I can't possibly say something about every tale in this collection, but I will say it was phenomenal in general. A few really blew me away, however, like:

Klage's "Time Gypsy" was one of the best of the lot - a time-displaced physicist sent back in time to the very oppressive 50's on a very specific mission, but finds love might mess up the plans - not to mention her only ticket back home to a more accepting time. Wonderfully written - this one really kept my interest and made me sad to see it end...

O'Malley's "Silent Passion" was heartbreaking, wonderful, and very very touching - about a man and his deaf lover, who live on a world where the aliens present make such noise as would destroy the sense of hearing of anyone actually listening to it. Being torn between family, love, truth and lies of omission is just the start of this fabulous tale, and the alien extrapolation and metaphors are just astounding. The gentleness of the love in this story made me all teary-eyed. I believe this was my favourite of the bunch.

Bamberg's "Love's Last Farewell," was dystopia at its finest - a scene from a world where genengineering makes Gay illegal, and "repairable," and told from the voice of the last gay man still alive. Really touching.

But seriously - all are fantastic.