A review by jaime_fiction_fangirl
Eyes Wide Open, by Raine Miller


3.5 Stars
Again...this book was just, OK. I hate to say it but had I not requested the ARC's of the full series I'm not sure if I would continue reading.
I really liked book #1 but I feel like this and book #2 fell short of my expectations.
Like I said in my review of All In, the drama feels a bit too forced and just doesn't develop in a way that makes my heart beat. In fact the storyline doesn't really do much for my emotions. It just doesn't evoke any strong feelings in me, good or bad. Well except for some reason him constantly calling Brynne "My Girl". I don't know why but I hate that!
I just feel like there is all this hinting towards crazy things about to happen and then suddenly it happens and ends almost before it really even began. I really wanted to love this series because I've read so many positive things about it but I just don't. I have commited to reading all four books though so...on to Rare and Precious Things.

*I received an ARC from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review