A review by larkspire
Wait Till You See Me Dance: Stories by Deb Olin Unferth


I generally like flash fiction, so I was expecting to (or at least hoping I'd) disagree with the bulk of the reviews here. Instead I find myself agreeing - Unferth's longer stories are the stronger ones. That isn't to say that I can fault her, really; she's a very strong writer. It's just that some stories didn't hit the mark with me. Sometimes I didn't really get it, sometimes I thought it was a bit shallow (so I probably didn't get it), sometimes the characters I spent barely a paragraph with annoyed me to distraction. One time that was combined with being too concerned for the dog to have enjoyed it even if I'd liked the characters.

Based on the descriptions alone I'd expected to like "Voltaire Night" the least, but it ended up being one of my favourites. "Wait Till You See Me Dance" and "The First Full Thought of Her Life" were also highlights. I won't be tempted to re-read most of the flash stories here, but I'd definitely return to these three.