A review by lawbooks600
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway


6/10, I was hoping that this interesting realistic novel would be a good one. It was not and looking back this was one of the worse novels I read and it was deeply unenjoyable all the way through and even then I thought the author did a lousy job on this and could've used the premise of this novel to its full potential. It begins with the main character dumping her boyfriend and oh wow, she gets instantly famous and where have I seen this type of story before so anyways she didn't want the fame at first and just wanted to party and do other things and she accepts the fame eventually so she then finds a brand new rather flat boyfriend whose name I forgot. However there were two really irritating aspects of this book that almost made me put the book down but I hoped it could get better and unsurprisingly it didn't. The first bad aspect was that Audrey Cuttler was just so frustrating to read since she was just another character in the line of memorable characters for all the wrong reasons and this time she shouts at her friend Victoria sometimes which might be a mood swing but eventually she developed her character and became a better person. The second aspect was the swearing, you won't believe this but I think the author tried to fit as many swear words into this novel and what was the result, it was an tedious slog to get through and now all the characters sound like they're furious all the time. If you like rise to fame books this one is for you.