A review by rhiannoncs
Still Life by A.S. Byatt


Not quite as strong as [b:The Virgin in the Garden|86888|The Virgin in the Garden|A.S. Byatt|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1320497161s/86888.jpg|245459], but not-quite-as-strong Byatt still outranks most authors at full strength, in my book. Stephanie's storyline was the most compelling for me, as she searches for her sense of self after leaving a world of letters for the role of mother and clergy wife. Alexander seems to be included mostly for thematic purposes, at this point - the comparative ease with which he is able to pursue his art and compartmentalize his personal life is striking. Frederica's sexual and intellectual pursuits at Cambridge were diverting, but I wish there were more growth of her character in this book. The ending definitely sets the stage for that in the next book, however.