A review by thewitchybibliophile
Bound by Aleatha Romig


OMG!!! So I finished this book a few days ago. It has taken me this long to write this review. My mind is blown. How Laurel and Kader connect is stunning. Especially when things roll and come to light. But the twists! OMG those twists!!! My jaw was literally on the floor with each one that came into play. The other amazing part is that the way this story flowed, it did not overwhelm you but was so fluid and honestly you devour it so fast because you want to know what is going on! I adore how it has ties with other people as well.
The one thing I can say is that you find out just how kick arse Laurel really is in this story. How much she is willing to put on the line for those she loves. How she fights for what she loves and her passions. Kader has so much happen to him and my heart breaks but also makes me explode because of all the answers that are given to him!
Overall, I am sad that this series is over. SO sad. It was amazing. The character build, the flow of the story and the twists that just fit the fluidity of this story! Romig is the queen of books like this. She rocks the suspense and passion intertwined. I am so excited for more to come!