A review by wayhaught_n7
Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Knowledge Here Begins Out There by Elizabeth F. Cooke, Taneli Kukkonen, Erik D. Baldwin, Robert Arp, George A. Dunn, Jennifer A. Vines, Amy Kind, Jason P. Blahuta, Tracie Mahaffery, Andrew Terjesen, David Kyle Johnson, Randall M. Jensen, Jason T. Eberl, Brian Willems, Robert Sharp, Sarah Conly, James McRae, Eric J. Silverman, Jerold J. Abrams, J. Robert Loftis, David Koepsell, David Roden


I've read several of the books in the Philosophy and Pop Culture Series and I have to say this is the best one so far. It may be because I'm a major Battlestar Galactica fan but I'd like to think this is the best one because of the subject matter of the show. The show has a tendency to make me agree with actions that I would have never thought I'd support and this book has done the same. It made me rethink a lot of philosophical topics in a way even The Matrix book in this series didn't.

I'd highly recommend this to any Battlestar fan because you will not look at the show in quite the same way again, but I'd especially recommend it to those Battlestar fans who love philosophy.