A review by emilysamsharrisreads
Believing: Our Thirty-Year Journey to End Gender Violence by Anita Hill


Content warning: this review includes such as gender-based violence, sexual violence and harassment, racism, colonialism, slavery, homophobia, misogyny, etc.

“But most of all, we need to collectively hear and see victims and survivors as central to any solutions we imagine. (…) In order to find victim-centred solutions to gender-based violence, we will need to address racism, including the vestiges of colonialism and slavery, along with homophobia, misogyny and gender bias. There must be accountability for harm, whether found in transitional or transformative Justice, or through a reformed criminal Justice system.” - Anita Hill in Believing: Our Thirty Year Journey to End Gender Violence.

Without a doubt, this book is a 5 star read. Saying that, it is also a heavy and difficult read, which might be triggering to some. Hill addresses the issue of GBV in a deep, thoughtful and intersectional manner, weaving together historic court cases and modern day news stories. The focus is largely on American systems and political leaders, but I would recommend this book to anyone interested in feminist & racial Justice activism and ending GBV.