A review by yetanothersusan
A Grandmother Begins the Story by Michelle Porter


A very multi-pov story about 5 generations of women in the same family, along with the stories from a family of bison, and even earth made for such a rich story! With so many narrators and the often short vignette cadence of the chapters, it was easy to get lost and need to stop to remember where each placed in the family. And I am always not a fan of the lack of quotation marks. Though if there were a book where that made sense, I suppose this was the one. So despite technically being a book I wouldn't enjoy reading, I relished this family's story and the connection I felt to them, and the bison family. The beauty of the story overcame my reluctance at the presentation style. That is saying a lot!

Thanks to NetGalley and Algonquin Books for a copy of the book. This review is my own opinion.