A review by laurelinwonder
Seeing Double by Karen Runge


Well, that's the most fucked up bildungsroman I have ever read. I hate to be so glib, but for this book, I need to be. First off, if you do not like to be shocked (and I mean shocked like I read and watch a LOT and am rarely shocked), please stop reading my review here if you are squeamish. I do not usually like to put a trigger warning on anything, but Runge has written a dark gem that cuts deep, and those who are triggered or easily upset by the disturbed, self-harm, harm of others, this is NOT for you.

If you are intrigued, let's continue.

Having already read Runge's "Doll Crimes" I was at least a little primed for her work, but even then, I am shook. I read this because I like to make my own opinions about the darkness, or violence of a book or film. Runge also happens to be a lovely writer of startling prose. Usually, when I read true crime or not books that will never see the best seller's list, I am not enamored of the writing. Runge makes me slow down, makes me really unpack her lines, serious prose, despite the seriously despicable content. Seeing Double has had me needing to talk about this book, but it's not something I would just bring to a ladies' book club, luckily my husband is a good sport, and let me unpack.

So, why should you read this book? The writing is so solid, and read this if you want to think deeply about growing up, and how individuals deal with adolescent trauma as adults. The depravity here is not just for shock value, it does invite readers to really stop and think about what is really at play. Sure, you won't like a single character, but you'll get a deep look at their psyche, and while it's nightmare fuel, it does pose a lot of interesting questions.