A review by roshio
Kiss and Tell by Fiona Walker


Review (before reading):
Woot Tash and Hugo are back!!! I love them. I was really hoping Fiona Walker would leave Oddlode and now she has!! can't wait!

Review (After reading):
Okay this book was such a disappointment that I had to create new shelves, 'disappointments' and 'regrets'. Turns out she didn't leave Oddlode, Oddlode is very much present throughout this book!! argh! I think one problem Fiona Walker has is cramming too many of her characters in one book. I get the fact that all the characters in all her books are in the same world etc. etc. but they don't all have to show up in EVERY book (or at least if they are, she should also have Felix and Phoebe, but they're never present!). what was the point having Spurs there for example?? If she had instead focused on Tash and Hugo even at the expense of cutting the book down to half its size, it would have been so much better.

As you can see above, I was hoping for some real Tash and Hugo fun, but sadly this was lacking. Hugo was a douche throughout the book and Tash was a bit of a mess, I didn't enjoy reading their story at all. Instead I'm going to pretend this book never existed and keep memories of the Tash and Hugo I love in tact. Supporting characters weren't much better, Becca was an annoying cow, Faith was kinda cool but again a mess. There was no one I was rooting for, which defeats the whole purpose of a chicklit.

One thing however...I er... didn't actually get to the end of the book. It was too much, I stopped caring half way through, I really did. This has never happened to me with Fiona Walker, she has written some of my favourite books ([b:Kiss Chase|1821826|Kiss Chase|Fiona Walker|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1188828353s/1821826.jpg|1821448]), but this is one of the worst sequels I've ever read.