A review by benjfleck
The Violet Keystone by Garth Nix


The Violet Keystone: Or, What Just Happened aka The End

I honestly don't know what or why or how anything in this novel happened, but it did and now this series is over. Tal, Milla, Adras, Odris, and all the rest of the merry gang of Spiritshadows, Chosen, Icecarls, Underfolk, etc. etc. come together in their last battle to do something regarding a Veil and shadows and sunstones. Idk, y'all.

Things are so convoluted and I still don't know how the rules of this world work. I still don't know how anything in this world works. Maybe that is my problem? It was okay? Things happen, characters do stuff, and an ending is reached. I think I enjoyed it and I think I know what is going on, but I really don't.

I know I liked the Spiritshadows Adras and Odris. They were fun! I think I liked the initial concept of the world back in the first few books. There was just such a fast-paced plot that I never had time to stop and really think about what was actually happening.

So ultimately, The Seventh Tower series was just okay. A bit confusing and meddled, but quick-paced and with some fun characters. Nothing too memorable though.