A review by reader44ever
Absolutely, Positively, by Jayne Ann Krentz


I figure it's safe to say that I'd read this book at least a dozen times over past years. So I added enough "Dates Read" thingies to make it so that my most recent readings in March 2017 were the 13th and 14th. And yes, I did read it twice in March 2017. I was in a funk that month, what can I say? After I finished it on March 13th (I had started it on March 13th, too), I then read a children's book on the 14th and came back to this book to read it slower starting on March 15th. I finished it on March 17th.

I really, really, really love this story. It is my MOST favorite book in the whole world.

I won't share quotes, since I'm reviewing it almost eight months from when I last read it, but I've read this book so many times that I think I can do a credible review. :-)

This is the story of Molly Abberwick, proprietor of Abberwick Tea & Spice Company and trustee of her late father's foundation, and Dr. Harry Stratton Trevelyan, a scientist-philosopher and the consultant Molly hired to help her identify worthy grant candidates for her father's foundation. (Molly's father, Jasper Abberwick, had been an inventor and wanted to fund fellow inventors who find themselves unable to secure more traditional funding.)

Unfortunately for Molly, Harry hasn't liked any one of the hundred or so grant applications that she's put in front of him. She's fed up and ready to fire him when the book opens. But lucky for us, she does not fire him, and the book takes off from there.

I love Harry's romance with Molly. I also love how, in the end, Harry's cousin Josh seems to be falling for Molly's sister Kelsey. ALL of the characters in this book were hugely fun to read about. And the villain may or may not be who you think it is. ;-) (Unfortunately, I've read this book so many times that I know who the villain is even when it's been a year or three since I last read this book. But finding out how Molly and Harry discover who the villain is never gets old for me.)

I like that Harry is a wee bit psychic, though he tries to deny it. (But I do sometimes wish I could slap him upside his head for all of his denials.) And I love how Molly "manages" him! Their romance. . .it's just perfection for me! :-)

I love this story and its Seattle (!!!) setting and these characters so much that one day I plan to adopt a girl dog and I will name her Molly after Molly Abberwick in this book. And if Harry didn't strike me as being an odd name for a furry dog, my Max would be "my Harry" instead. ;-)

Incidentally, a few words on the setting: Harry lives in Belltown, in downtown Seattle, though I don't know that that's what it was called in the book (it might just have been "downtown Seattle"), but Molly lives in an old house on Capitol Hill. I used to live on Capitol Hill and I could easily picture Molly's house just down the street from me to the north. :-)

So I love this book because it is set in my favorite location, features a wonderful romance between two fabulous characters, has a fantastic supporting cast of secondary characters, and the suspense element is top-notch. :-)

When I next read this book, I'll try to remember to note down where I laugh and where I cry, because I do laugh and cry every time I read this book. But for now, I hope that this review is good enough to call "A Review." :-)

Final words? I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! :-)