A review by shellysbookcorner
Any Time, Any Place, Volume 2 by Jennifer Probst


After reading “Everywhere, Every way” I was excited to read this book. Raven is so hurt by the actions of her father and what he did to their family. Dalton has no idea about Raven or her father and why she doesn't like him. At first Raven has this plan for revenge but as time goes on she starts to get second thoughts. The guilt is starting to consume Raven and she's not sure what she should do. Once the secret does comes out there is drama as expected. I don't understand why Raven was so surprised with the way Dalton acted. Could you blame him?? I mean she came clean with her secret and he was supposed to be like it's ok and act like nothing happened!! I was on Dalton side at this point. The story was good and it did hold my attention but at times it was just a little predictable. Overall, I am enjoying the series and can't wait for the next book.

*received review copy by publisher through Netgalley for an honest opinion*

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