A review by stamos94
Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favours the Brave by Ryan Holiday


The main ideas of this book deeply resonated with me. Not only that courage, without the right cause is hollow, but also requires love to be carried through to the end. The other element of this book that I really loved is that history is filled with folks who both demonstrated extraordinary cowardice and incredible acts of courage throughout their lives. Which I think gives me hope. Speaking of which, Holiday makes it a point to go after cynicism and nihilism. Two characteristics I have always abhorred. In reading this book I felt vindicated in how I have approached life, always trying to view life through the lense of hope, rather cynical dickishness. The last point I'll make is that the chapter focusing on the 300 Spartans in Thermopolye was particularly beautiful.

If I were to implement one or two ideas from this book, I think the first is that to act courageously when the situation really needs it, requires that you consistently exercise courage in small ways. Secondly, to be heroic means to actually sacrifice something. Whether that be career, happiness, or even your very life. Whatever is done, the act of heroism must be done for the sake of others, not personal gain, which is a lesser kind of courage. Whereas heroism is the highest form of courage.

I would describe this book as an excellent and modern take on JFK's profile's in courage where he provides beautiful examples of courage in an easy to read way.