A review by glo68
Kiss or Dare by Charlie Lane


“It made her realize that not everyone who needed to be seen was invisible. Some, like this man, were as visible as they could be, but still no one saw them right”.

Lillian Clarke is sick and tired of being invisible to the Ton, so she’s transformed herself and become the Diamond of the season. She plans to ensnare a respectable husband and help other invisible ladies like her to be seen and appreciated by Society. And of course she’s finally left her infatuation for the infuriating and ridiculously handsome Lord Devon behind… Or hasn’t she?
Lord Devon is trying to put his life to rights after a few months of wallowing in self-pity and courting scandal. He’s determined to become more than just the spare, a neglected second son, and to prove to a certain lady that he’s better than she thinks. But changing one’s life is not as easy as it seems…
In this third book of the Debutante Dares series, we finally get to know Lord Devon better and I, for one, was looking forward to it! He was an intriguing character from the start, an adorable, honorable idler, or so he seemed. And instead he revealed surprising depths and strength of character. Both he and Lillian are two stubborn people, maybe a trifle too much, since I was annoyed with them for most of the book! But of course this is Charlie Lane’s “fault”, because she created such vibrant characters and bared their hearts to the reader, so much so that at the end I wanted to alternatively hug them and bash them in the heads to make them see reason! I adore Lane’s writing, so emotional, so focused on the internal dialogue of her characters, a stream-of-consciousness type of narration. I really can’t wait for the next books of the series!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.