A review by litwrite
The Cypress House by Michael Koryta


I was genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed this novel, never having heard of Michael Koryta before. As a crime novel with a hint of supernatural, I would say this was like James Ellroy meets Richard Matheson (I'm tempted to use Stephen King but I think Koryta writes and self edits a lot better than that guy).

This novel kept me guessing from the start, I loved the historical setting and never knew what was going to happen. It didn't end with a fizzle like so many other novels of the genre and I was happy to read the final page and actually be able to say that I was satisfied with the way everything turned out.

I liked this so much I ended up reading it in one night. There's no higher praise than that from a jaded book reader who has not enough time to get all their reading in. I'll be yawning a lot today as I go through my motions but with a little smile on my face with the satisfaction that comes from having read something great. I'll definitely be looking for Koryta's other novels, especially So Cold the River.