A review by j_lbrbsblogs
Murderland, by Pamela Murray



I am delighted to be part of the opening day of the BlogTour for Murderland by Pamela Murray.

Set in Manchester and the North East this is a cracking read. Immediately from the tense prologue we are thrown into a murder. Chapter one brings another. They seem unrelated. It is with the death of a care home resident that we get into the story proper. This is no simple, tragic passing of an elderly man. It’s a somewhat bewildering murder – why was Nathaniel Jackson dressed somewhat oddly and is the playing card of significance?

Joe and Sally are DI and DS respectively but more importantly they are a team and have become friends. This is the authors first book but we quickly find it’s a relationship that has worked well in previous investigations making a strong but somewhat precarious bond. They are part of a wider team who also work well together. Still it is Joe and Sally who are the main characters and whose lives we start to learn about as the investigation progresses. I enjoyed getting to know them a little as the story progressed. Other characters are brought in, all who enhance the story in one way or another. This will surely be the first of several books and getting to know the main characters and the others who will be the mainstay of any future stories will surely make them even better.

Joe and Sally are both based with Greater Manchester Police (GMP). Joe joined the Manchester force from London. Sally is from the Northeast. Living in Greater Manchester I enjoyed the setting of the book, some of which was familiar. The book also travels with the investigation into the Northeast and I found this to be rather more lovingly recreated by the author, probably as this is her ‘patch’. Knowing this area a little from travelling and work over the years further enhanced my enjoyment. I do like to be able to picture the setting and when the storyline takes place in familiar areas it does make that easier.

Still it is the investigation into a murder that is the point of the story. So when another murder occurs and there are links Joe and Sally fear they have a serial killer at large. How many will die? Will the duo find the killer? How will it all end?

Pamela Murray has put together a wonderful cast of characters and placed them into a tense, twisty storyline. She has used pace and her characters to bring a well written book to all who enjoy reading crime fiction. The story is well crafted. It is well executed. It brings together the various threads to a terrific climax.

Follow along with the characters and the story in a book that you will surely enjoy as much as I did. I would certainly recommend Murderland and hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

My thanks to Heather of Bloodhound Books for the invitation to join the Murderland Blog Tour and for an eCopy of the book.