A review by novelesque_life
Death and the Harlot by Georgina Clarke


2019; Canelo

Lizzie Hardwick is not a Lady solving crimes in her spare time between tea and balls. Lizzie is a sex worker in 1759, working for one of the Madams, so she has a roof over her head and food in her belly. After one encounter with a John, who was also a traveling merchant, she becomes embroiled in his murder. Lizzie was the last to see the murdered man, and Bow Street Runner, Constable William Davenport while suspicious has no evidence to take her in. Lizzie is not one to let a man help her out of a jam, so she turns to detecting the killer and clear her name.

Going into this novel, I was sure within the first few pages with Lizzie's encounter with a customer. Several pages past that I was hooked. I liked that this mystery was right in the "seedy" parts of town, rather than seeing the wealthy try to navigate the back alleys. Lizzie also is very secretive about her life before the brothel, so there is another personal mystery at play. Davenport is also a mystery. This with the chemistry of Lizzie and Davenport made me really enjoy this novel. I am glad this will be a series to see where each character goes and if they have any romantic sparks. This is a well researched and written novel. You can tell that there is a passion for the era that comes through with the writing. If you like C.S. Harris and Rhys Bowen, this might be your next read!

***I received an eARC from the PUBLISHER via NETGALLEY***

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