A review by haletostilinski1
Can't Touch by Chara Croft


This book wasn't that great. Tyson and Sean had some chemistry with some hot scenes together, so I'm giving this two starts instead of one for that, but other than that there wasn't much substance to this story.

Tyson and Sean were both very one dimensional, cardboard cutout characters. Tyson was all about "I'm so selfish, I'm a manwhore, all I care about is fucking 24/7" basically until all he cares about is fucking Sean 24/7 - which, funnily enough, we don't actually get the fucking until late in the book. Sean is all "soft, meek guy with no backbone and no agency 100% of time" and both were annoying. I would be fine with Sean being that way in the bedroom and even outside the bedroom if he was anything other than that, if there was more to his character than just being really submissive. If there was more to Tyson than just being a dominant extremely horny guy all the time.

The sex scenes were annoyingly drawn out - it took forever to get to the action, I skipped a lot in this just to get to the good stuff. Also in the non-sex scenes these two would go off on tangents in their internal monologues, for a page, two pages, or more, before getting back to the damn scene in which they were talking to each other. It was boring and I skipped that a lot too. There's using a few paragraphs to explain something pertaining to the story and then getting back to the dialogue in a scene and then there was these scenes, which was basically like every scene in this book.

The things these two thought were silly and over the top, and there was no dimension to Sean's parents or any other character in this either.

It was all very one-note and boring, not much more than an okay written erotica trying to be more than erotica and ending up just being a fairly bad romance book.

Don't recommend this, it was pretty boring and silly overall with only a few redeeming qualities (i.e. when the sex scenes actually got to the sex part.)