A review by geo_ix
Deep by Kylie Scott


It was a good ending to a good series.

It got me a fair bit emotional toward the end, but I will admit the beginning had me not connecting as well. Really I didn't quite like Ben and I'm usually the type of person to love the hero and not like the heroine much, but I liked Lizzy (most of the time) and yeah Ben didn't really do much. Maybe because he was so not relationship material until like 60-70% in which felt crazy, in fact, it was near the end and he was saying he wasn't up for marriage and I was like uggggh what? Why say that I front of people and not have a conversation about it with your partner like ever? He was just as bad as Mal, who got on my nerves in this real bad. I hated everyone treating her like a child, especially Anne. Is it because 18 is an adult here and not 21? Probably not because people still call 21-25 year old mothers 'young mums'. It might also get to me more because I was around this age also, but people acted like she was 15 and pregnant for gods sake.

Also, hated Martha. She's shit. Really wished Ben told her to jog on. Was even more angry they invited her to the birth after the incident at dinner, and even more peeved that the drs didn't kick out a woman tormenting and rolling up a woman in labour. Raising someone's blood pressure is not a good way to finish a long birth. But sure.