A review by mochand
And Another Thing... by Eoin Colfer


No,no,no. I love hg2g but boy or boy was this just horrible.For me the "trilogy" ended perfectly. This just completely destroyed it. It feels infact, a lot like the changes they made to the end of Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy the movie, simply making it more digestible for a hollywood audience that wants to see a happy ending. The whole Norse gods shtick felt very forced and thus completely out of place almost as if he's just writing to something he's familiar with rather than something that would fit the hg2g universe.I read Artemis Fowl as a kid and sure I liked them then but his writing just doesn't cut it.I get that he can't be Douglas Adams but unfortunately after a 5 part trilogy the difference is too stark to ignore. If you like the original my advice would be to not read this one.THe ending of mostly harmless was poetic and this book is pretty much sacrilege.