A review by cseanread
Monstrous Affections: An Anthology of Beastly Tales by Kelly Link, Gavin J. Grant


Great collection.
I approve of how gay it is.

Favorites (in no particular order):
- "Wings in the Morning", Sarah Rees Brennan (I NEED THIS TO BE A FULL-LENGTH ADULT NOVEL. Ugh so good and sweet and I totally saw the ending coming a mile away but STILL)
- "Ten Rules...", Holly Black (of course I liked this one, I love Holly's work)
- "This Whole Demoning Thing", Patrick Ness (another favorite author)
- "Son of Abyss", Nik Houser

Honorable mentions:
- "The Diabolist", Nathan Ballingrud
- "The Woods Hide in Plain Sight", Joshua Lewis (probably would've liked this more six years ago, but it gave me a lovely sense of nostalgia for my early college years)
- "Mothers, Lock Up Your Daughters...", Alice Sola Kim