A review by sunnyisreading
Goodbye, Sweet Girl: A Story of Domestic Violence and Survival by Kelly Sundberg


This memoir left me gut-punched. Can you be incredibly proud of someone you don’t even know and isn’t even in your community? I feel such pride and so much love towards Kelly. She is an incredible author and story teller. She took the trauma she experienced and grew up in and somehow told her story with so much grace and care.

Kelly was constantly abused by nearly every man in her life as well as her mother. Some of the abuse may even seem more subtle to some folks, and she shows the nuance of abusive parents/partners. They will drop everything and pick her up when she’s having a roommate crisis, however her mother is physically abusive and her father doesn’t believe she’s being abused nearly the entire book and hardly even communicates with her ever.

The author writes in such a way that you can almost feel where in her life she started to realize that she is not being treated right. The timeline jumps around A LOT and for that reason I had a little bit of a hard time following now and again.

I hope her and her son have so much peace and joy for the rest of their days.