A review by bethreadsandnaps
The Last Word by Taylor Adams


3.25 stars

Housesitter Emma is lolling her days away reading ebooks with her dog at her feet on Washington State Strand Beach. After she leaves a 1 star review, the author gets increasingly hostile, and then he comes after her in a prolonged game of cat and mouse. 

The premise of this novel is fantastic and has leaked into other novels in other genres, namely rom coms. Emma rarely leaves the house, and besides reading her only hobby is playing hangman with an older man 1/4 MILE down the road via telescope. Ummm, well, that’s kind of crazy. And, yes, things get crazier. The reader hears from another narrator, and then there is a book within a book concept. 

As the novel continued, it got so over the top that I wasn’t creeped out by it. Just wanted it to be over, and some details revealed in the second act connected the dots but weren’t talked about until the third act.

Trigger: dog in jeopardy

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