A review by beckymmoe
Blown Away by Brenda Rothert


Blown Away is a dead-partner's-best-friend / unrequited-love-for-your-best-friend's-girl story with a side of storm chasing.

Confession time: I am super glad I live in an area that very rarely gets tornadoes--the very idea of them scares the you-know-what out of me. And people who willingly go into them, for science or to help or for any other reason? Seem unfathomable. But Ms Rothert does a decent job here of at least making their motivations seem somewhat plausible with the characters of Aiden, Murph, Millie, and Tex. I'm not saying I'd sign up to join them in this lifetime, mind you...but I guess I can kind of see why they might do it. It's not terribly glorified here, which I appreciated.

The push-and-pull between Aiden and Drew made for a slowish burn romance--for the most part, I was okay with that, since they each had baggage galore and there is the whole she was engaged to his best friend/storm chasing teammate element here. But it did feel like the hot and cold, two tiny steps forward/seven giant steps backward bit went on just a *tad* bit too long, especially when it was all magically fixed when the possibility of one of them being in danger suddenly made the other realize they loved them after all. I mean, all that angst and drama just *poof!* going away made it all seem a bit...convenient? (And making Drew grapple with the possibility that her fiance might not have been 100% faithful in the middle of all of it felt 110% unnecessary--I was really disappointed that the story went there at all; my number one pet peeve in my first love is dead stories. Sigh...) Still, we got to an HEA in the end, and it was very sweet, so--all's well that ends well, I guess?

Between the storm chasing and the will-they-or-won't-they of Drew and Aiden's relationship, Blown Away is a book that will definitely keep the reader turning those pages to find out what will happen next. Though it may be a bit predictable at times, it's never boring!

(Dare I say, though--the redesigned cover leaves the old one "blown away"? ;) Excellent redesign choice!)

Rating: 3 1/2 stars / C+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.