A review by kem0514
Indefinite by Corinne Michaels


This review is for both Indefinite and Infinite. The final duet in the Salvation series is going to make you feel all the emotions! Quinn and Ashton have quite the story and this journey they take will make you not want to put the book down. The duet starts off with Quinn and Ashton breaking up because of Quinn’s dedication as a Navy Seal. When circumstances bring Quinn back home, he is ready for a happy reunion with Ashton. I was proud that Ashton did not take him back right away even if that’s what she wanted. She needed him to prove himself more. And the more he did that, the more she let him in. And just when they think they are getting a HEA, Corinne throws in this wild cliffhanger.

Book 2 was an emotional back and forth and you will probably want to str@ngle Ashton. She has been through some horrible things and never really got to seek any help for her PTSD from it. While I have not been in her situation, I think all of her feelings and behaviors were justified. Corinne gives them the most perfect ending after all that they fought to have.