A review by thesexyg
Thriving in Sex Work: Heartfelt Advice for Staying Sane in the Sex Industry by Lola Davina


This is a book about wielding your sexual power and earning money with it unapologetically, and it offers all the heartfelt, streetwise wisdom you want from a mentor in any profession.

Lola does not candy-coat the experience of the sex industry, but she does not judge, demonize, or victimize sex workers either. To say her tone is nonjudgmental is an understatement. She doesn’t just avoid slut shaming; she challenges it head-on and offers sex workers thoughtful, well-reasoned encouragement and support.

And also, Lola has done her homework. Earning her M.A. in Human Sexuality Studies and M.S. in Nonprofit Fundraising obviously taught her an appreciation for solid research. She brings her own vast experience in the industry, but she also presents serious, well-documented structures and solutions from disciplines ranging from philosophy and psychology to business and marketing. That said, she writes in an approachable, girlfriend-y voice that makes you feel like she wrote this book just for you.

*Please note: Often, my book reviews read a little more like love letters. I know that and post my thoughts among the other book reviews on Amazon and GoodReads anyway. Lola is a friend and client. I had the pleasure of reading some of this book in draft form and involvement in the project in its final stages.*