A review by andimontgomery
By a Thread by Jennifer Estep


This review contains spoilers from the last book in the series....

I wasn't sure Jennifer Estep would be able to keep this series fresh after Gin killed Mab Monroe in the last book. Thankfully, I can say she did!

Gin and her sister, Bria, decide they need a little R&R after the battle with Mab, and so they take a trip to visit Bria's hometown and her best friend, Callie. But trouble seems to follow Gin wherever she goes. This time, it's a vampire mogul set on buying Callie's business so he can build a mega casino resort. When he threatens her life because she won't sell out, Gin (of course) jumps in to help.

Our favorite boys, Owen and Finn, follow the girls to share the mini-vacation, and are with them in the thick of things. And Sophia and Jo-Jo make appearances as well. This book wouldn't have been the same without them!

This installment was an eye-opening journey for Gin. She realizes that Mab is not the worst villain she will ever encounter. She also has the surprise of her life when she comes into contact with someone from her past. She learns a lot about herself in this book, and her relationships with Bria and Owen are strengthened in the end.

Gin is my absolute favorite assassin. She's kind-hearted and selfless when others are in need, and yet tough as nails when she needs to be. She's like the Robin Hood of assassins. I can't wait for the next one!