A review by crookedtreehouse
Venom & X-Men: Poison-X by


Bunn writes an impressive amount of comics. He has two brand new series coming out this week, alone. But maybe, maybe if he pared down his output, he wouldn't be responsible for so much unreadable fucken garbage.

Thie crossover between his Venom series, and his X-Men Blue is poorly constructed, not very-well plotted and features only one major plot point for his X-Men Blue series (which is the one I'm following), which he then has to immediately undo in the next issue. Bunn does excel at coming up with shocking concepts, but as he has no skill with dialogue, long-term character development, or the ability to follow-up on his shocking concepts, they're all completely wasted.

I've also never been impressed by anything Mike Costa has written.

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