A review by tasha_fullybooked
Invisible Life by E. Lynn Harris


This novel chronicles the life and discovery of Raymond Tyler who is struggling with his sexuality. Raymond has had one serious girlfriend since high school until his senior year in college when he falls in love with a man. Raymond has to keep his sexuality a secret because not only is his male love a jock, but they are both black and living in the South.

After college Raymond moves to NYC and leads a somewhat more open bisexual life. He frequents gay bars and has both straight and gay sexual encounters but only the men he has sex with no about the women in his life. Raymond never discloses to the women that he is having sex with that he is also having sex with men.

Raymond runs into the first man he has ever had sex with who is newly engaged to a woman. She too has no idea of the previous relationship her fiancé has had with Raymond. At this time Raymond is newly involved with a married man with kids.

This story kept me engrossed because these situations happen more than people realize. I was drawn in and wanted to see if Raymond would end up settling down with a man or a woman. Or if his bisexuality would cause him to never truly find love because if he settles down with one gender, he’ll have to give up the other.

In the end, I felt that Raymond’s story was left unfinished. I didn’t get any closure with neither of Raymond’s relationships. So hopefully I'll get that in the next book of the series.