A review by martyfried
Nothing Stays Buried by P.J. Tracy


I really liked this one, perhaps it's my favorite of the series. It had a number of really likable characters in addition to the usual group. There was a good dose of the Monkeewrench group, who agreed to help a rural farmer, Walt, whose daughter went missing. He was an old-fashioned farmer who wasn't used to people like Monkeewrench, and it was interesting to see how they got to be close after a short time, even Annie with her inappropriate clothes, high heels, and disdain for country life in general. When a big storm was on the way, he worried that he might have to carry her from their motor home to the storm cellar, a feat that would take a lot out of an old man considering her ample size.

When detectives Leo Magozzi and Gino Rolseth discover that their case of a serial killer seems to be connected to the area of Walt's farm (partly due to the presence of lion's fur!), they decide to go out and join Monkeewrench there. Of course, they have to run into a huge storm along the way, and a discovery of dead bodies. Nothing's easy for these guys. But they don't complain - much. Well, not much considering how they complain about most everything.

This was one book I had trouble putting down. I'll be reading the next one soon that I got from Net Galley.