A review by barnsey
Citizen Kill by Stephen Clark


A terrorist explosion on inauguration day horrifically injures and kills a multitude of American citizens, including the new President's 12 year-old-son. This tragedy becomes the catalyst for grieving President Savannah Reed and her administration to declare an end to terrorism on American soil. She gives the go-ahead for a secret operation to exterminate American citizens who are believed guilty of radicalising Muslims. CIA agent Justin Raines, currently on 'enforced leave' pending the outcome of an investigation of a botched operation in Dubai, is offered the job of assassin. He falls in love with target Zahra al Sharif and faces a race against time to prove her innocence and prevent her execution.

Considering the current worldwide political climate, this book is right on-topic. Never a day passes without an act of terrorism somewhere in the world. Citizen Kill offers up an horrific solution - assassinate the converters of the converted. Eliminate the need for a fair trial. Although this is a work of fiction, the characters are American citizens and I can imagine this scenario becoming reality. It's very worrying indeed.

The book is competently written and, taking into account the author's status as a former award-winning journalist, I wouldn't expect anything less. However, a couple of points didn't sit right with me. Firstly, the attempted rape of Zahra, coupled with Justin's timely intervention, seemed too contrived. Also, I don't believe any woman would welcome a sexual encounter so soon after such a traumatic experience; not even with the person who rescued you. Secondly, I was completely bewildered by the suggestion of a 'rest and relaxation' canoe trip whilst being hunted by trained killers. Really? I'd be a dribbling mess, tearing my hair out at the roots and too terrified to step outdoors. Canoeing would be last on my bucket list.

That being said, Citizen Kill is a good, topical read. The pacing is exactly right and the author eloquently tells the story. All loose ends are neatly tied up and the reader is left feeling satisfied.

My thanks to author Stephen Clark for providing me with a copy of this book.
