A review by bibliomania_express
Get What They Deserve by Eoin Colfer


Ghosts, ectoplasm, cloning, possession, and even a creepy visit to a mortuary are all featured in The Fowl Twins Get What They Deserve by Eoin Colfer. Along with shennanigans, bodily functions, criminal monologues, and many very (purposefully) forced acronyms.

The final showdown between the Fowl Twins and Teddy Bleedham-Drye is every bit as bizzare, convoluted, and hilarious as I expected. What begins with a pathology confetence continues along its morbid route as the Fowl Twins deal with otherworldly forces, a perhaps-not-dead duke, and a variety of magical mishaps that just might be the key to the whole adventure.

Once again we have Myles acting as Artemis 2.0, determined to outdo his older brother in every way, while Beckett brings instinct and a complete lack of filter to the fray. I wish I had counted the number of times Myles mades a snide comment about Artemis because there are many and they are all tinged with Myles's desire to outdo and therefore impress Artemis.

I liked that Myles and Beckett's roles get a bit complicated as the story unfolds. They both have to deal with things way outside their comfort zones - and for once there are some actual consequences (although not many). While this book is generally light and filled with deliberatly cheesy and punny humour, there were some real moments, particularly with Beckett, that showed the characters growing and dealing with their emotions.

Lazuli gets a bit sidelined for a large part of the story, but with her we get to catch up with one of my favourite under-utilized characters from the original series. There are quite a few Artemis Fowl call-backs, and I particularly loved the epilogue.

I tremendously enjoy the narrative style, as if a dramatic omniscient narrator were regaling me with a series of unlikely events with a fair amount of relish. There are tangents, dramatic foreshadowing, play-by-play breakdowns, and some rather explosive escapes. These are not books that prioritize things like logic or physics, but they're such fun.

I did think some details contradicted the canon from the original series or just didn't make sense with it. But I loved a lot of the new character additions. I also liked that this book really is about family, loyalty, and consequences.

Thank you to #Netgalley and #DisneyHyperion for the free review copy in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 4 stars