A review by ivan_tw
The Red King Syndrome by Alan Moore


The middle section of the trilogy, admittedly weaker than those surrounding it. Chuck Beckham's art is very basic and traditional, and when compared to Garry Leach's preceding darkness, and John Totelben's succeeding kaleidoscope, his 'How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way' style doesn't hold up. Even Moore seems like he's not on his A-game, Miracleman's battle with Gargunza, while satisfying and poetic, feels too simple and typical for the man who reinvented comics. Of course, it's still written (if not maybe drawn) better than anything else out there, especially at the time, and both art and story picks up in the last couple issues after the Gargunza arc is dealt with, when Moore brings in alien shapeshifters into the mixture. Still excellent and an integral part of the overall trilogy, Miracleman book 2 reminds us that even Alan Moore can be rote sometimes.