A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Apollo is Mine by Mila Young


I have to admit that the world of RH is still pretty new to me. I finished the Underland series and really loved that one and yesterday I read the first Royal Trials book and enjoyed that one too. But, I felt like I wanted to read another one now, so I picked this one up.

Let me be honest: Plot wise this book is by far the weaker of the three series I've read. There is some plot woven into this, but at the moment it's hard to see where it will be going and what purpose it actually serves. It feels like in this book the very thin plot actually is just there to serve the sex scenes and the Harem forming very quickly, based on insta-love and insta-lust.

The characters involved, Elise, Apollo, Hades and in a way also Hercules, are not very developed. Apart from their Godly traits or the destiny pushed on their shoulders, they don't really seem to have a very impressive or complicated personality. But hey, they're all muscled, handsome and entertaining and sometimes that's all a reader wants, right?

For now, this book was amusing and the kind of read I wanted. But, I'd classify it truly as a guilty pleasure. The sex scenes are nice and well written, but the characters and the plot are weak and thin. I'll certainly pick up the second book at some point, but it's not that I really need and want to know what happens next. It's more that I'm sure the second book will be a nice and easy read on a very bad day when I can't concentrate on anything too serious or dramatic.