A review by befsk
The Book of Koli by M.R. Carey


I enjoyed this book in the end but it was a little slow to start. It had that Knife Of Never Letting Go style of misspelling due to having a child narrator who never got education because that's how this dystopia works... thing going on. Which was fine eventually but it took a little getting into. It could ruin the book for a few people, I'm sure.

It was an interesting beginning though with Koli's childhood and the village he lives in, despite the slower pace.

I was left unsure if the frequent illusions to big things happening in the future because the story is told in hindsight was keeping me interested in the story or if the story itself was keeping me interested and that particular narrative technique was just pissing me off. Still can't decide now I've finished the book.

Spoiler I was surprised when Koli didn't leave the village until at least 50% into the book. For a start, it didn't feel like 200 pages, and for a second, the constant references to big things happening soon made me think it was going to be a quicker paced book that it turned out to be.

Once the story got rolling, it rolls well. I liked the characters, despite there not being many. I thought the world building was good, especially the mentions of current day places within England. Enjoyable read, and I look forward to the sequel. I'm not sure why it's not being marketed as a young adult book because it was very young adult in writing and themes to me.

I received this ARC through Netgalley.