A review by hermoine7
Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers by J.K. Rowling


I wanted to try to read this in French since I studied French in High School and College to see if I still could. I needed to go back and forth between this version and the English version. I was able to understand about 25-30% I think without having to translate, though that could just be from how many times I have read every book. Several of the characters names, the house names, and the names of the Wizarding money were different. Some seem d to translate correctly but some didn’t. See below if you examples. I tried to put the English on the left and the French on the right but didn’t always.
Madam Pomfrey-Madame Pomfresh
Hogwarts: Poudlard (translates correctly)
Noises: knuts
La Gazette du sorcier: the Daily Prophet
Muggles: Moldus
Grip hook: Gripsec
Galleons: Gallions
Mornilles: sickles
Madame Malkin: Madame Guipure
Slytherin: Serpentard
Hufflepuff: Poufsouffle
Scabbers: Croutard ( translates correctly though)
Gryffindor: Gryffondor
Ravenclaw: Serdaigle
Draco Malfoy: Drago Malefoy
Snape: Rogue
Mr. Filch: Mr. Rusard
Madame Hooch: Madame Bibine
Mrs. Norris: Miss Teigne
Professor Sprout: Professeur Chourave
Fang: Crockdur
Oliver Wood: Oliver Dubois
Neville Longbottom: Neville Londubat