A review by anovelstart
An Unlikely Witch by Debora Geary


Even better than the last book. Five stars all the way! In the very first A Modern Witch book, Jamie has a precog vision of his future wife and the little boy they will someday have. Well, precog isn't certain but when everything else has already happened, they're getting very eager for him to arrive. However, the only glimpse of him they've seen is him playing in the snow outside their home and knowing he's theirs...

This is such a sweet book that made me cry a bit in many places. The witching community really come together to help Nat and Jamie out; comforting them and trying to discover if there's any fertility problems. There's a real sense of community in this book; Nat tries to carry the load by herself but when the community realise this (thank to Super Boy), they're ready to help with all their love and support. One of my favourite parts in this book is when Nat asks for a young healers help, Ginia, who's only 11 years old. Nat says that you have to let go of some dreams to make room for new ones (like when her baby daughter couldn't fit into a toy bus), so please tell her if her bus is too small. It's such a good way to word it but no one else knows what this means.

Lauren's famous crystal ball makes another appearance in this book. Lauren finally tries to consult with it more often but it doesn't know what it's allowed to show her. By the end of the book they're both finally getting along, the journey is a bit rocky and very sweet! The crystal ball is one of my favourite characters (if you can call it that).

This book really makes you feel the emotions the characters feel. The way Geary writes lets you experience Nat and Jamie's journey somewhat realistically from the point of view of a friend, hence the crying when you read it bit. I'd definitely recommend this book, it's absolutely superb! A definite must read. Just to prove it, this is the second time I've read this book and it didn't disappoint.

If you like my review please visit my book blog at: http://a-novel-start.blogspot.co.uk