A review by lbmaddux
Gumshoe Gorilla by Keith Hartman


After discovering this sequel to The Gumshoe, The Witch, and the Virtual Corpse, I was anxious to read it. Gumshoe Gorilla continues with many of the characters Keith Hartman created in his previous book, as does the same prevailing theme of intolerance. Added to the “futuristic” elements of genetic testing, cloning, social factions based on religion, sexual persuasion and race are hints of incest, vampire sex cults, and even a kitten. So much goes on in this story that I was almost glad that the mystery was a little transparent. Each chapter is written from the point of view of a different character, which allows the reader to be privy to detail the characters don’t know about. I normally don’t like to know more about the mystery that the detective, I prefer that we be on equal ground. As I said before, however, there is so much to keep track of here that I appreciate the inside knowledge.

I forgot to mention this earlier. I couldn’t believe the copy editing on this book. I swear, there were usage and spelling errors throughout the book. Luckily, some conscientious soul marked all the corrections.