A review by gloriabyrd
Faebound by Saara El-Arifi

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
All I can hear in the audiobook for Yeeran's name is "urine."

I can’t imagine the setting at all, and even if I could with the complete lack of description, it makes no sense. Why are they riding camels in a jungle? (I learned that it’s a jungle from another review, not the book). 
Why do they have camels as well as magical animals that we’ve never heard of? 

Why is the little sister named “Lettle”?

**How do drums shoot people??**
The characters’ are said to be in love with each other so, so many times, but the author doesn’t show it. In fact, 90% of this book is info dumping about the fantasy world while still making no sense. 

And I gathered this from another review: why do they need sunlight to grow plants if they live near a jungle that’s doing just fine in eternal darkness? Surely the plants have adapted to grow without sunlight at this point. 

I wish I could rate this book, but that wouldn’t be fair since I stopped at 20%.