A review by becsa
Three by Jane Blythe


This was such a great book and I am really enjoying this series!

I had my guesses on who the killers were and I was right. I loved how it all played out and how they came together. Their crimes escalated and the violence was through the roof and I liked how everything played out in the end to a certain degree.

I really enjoyed how Sofia and Annabella came together and shared their experiences about what they went through. I liked how they seemed to gain strength from each other and their respective boyfriends.

The twist with Sofia’s stalker was super interesting and I don’t think we have seen the last of that person.

I was definitely worried towards the end of the book and what was going to happen. My heart definitely broke a little bit and I was freaking out. I really wish one person had not ended the way they did as I hoped that they could get help but I was glad they confessed on where someone else was located.

I’m looking forward to more in the series!